Social Committee

Our Social Committee organizes our Memorial Day and Labor Day picnics, a community yard & bake sale held each June and a Christmas outing in December. Along with our dedicated social committee members we have many volunteers from our community who assist with these activities to help make them enjoyable events for all our members and their guest.

Social Committee Members: Jane Powers (Chairwoman), Peggy Austin, Joy Porter, Tina Urban and Judy Westerfer.



Finally we were able to get together, as a community, and celebrate Labor Day with our traditional picnic. Our Social Committee, headed by Jane Powers, did a great job at organizing the day. They even made sure the weather was cooperating with a beautiful sunny day. As always, our members brought wonderful main dishes and desserts. This year we were treated to a roast pig compliments of


Sunshine Committee


Our Sunshine Committee is in the capable hands of Carla Krouse. Carla strives to let all of our residents know that they are thought of during times of illness or family loose. All she needs is to be notified if someone is sick or in hospital or if a family member has passed away. Carla will take it from there.